Ainsley Eats the Streets

  • Title: Ainsley Eats the Streets
  • Duration: 10 × 60’ HD
  • Producer: Great Britain
  • Year: 2014

Ainsley Harriott is a English chef whom being inspired by food from all around the world. And it’s time for him to explore a street food. Dishes normally reserved for locals. From the Arctic circle to the South East Asia, from the Middle East to the bitches of the Caribbean. He’ll visit Barbados, Fes, Istanbul, Madrid, Osaka, Penang, Reykjavik, Sicily, Taipei, Amman.

In every major city, there are countless culinary narratives going on, ones that tourists often miss on their packed sight-seeing days. We might traipse across town to a historic cathedral, but we’re all too guilty of taking the easy route when it comes to food — refuelling from boring tourist traps rather than exploring local cooking. Yet with a little bit of digging, we could uncover endless stories of remarkable and delicious cooking in every major city — and it would tell us as much about the destination and its inhabitants as any sparkling tourist attraction.
