Wild At Heart
Presented by Shauna Lowry, this ten part series follows on from the success of Whipsnade. Based in five of the best known wildlife parks in the East of England, “Wild at Heart” showcases some of the world’s rarest animals along with some more familiar friends. The series visits Colchester Zoo, Whipsnade, Linton Zoo, Suffolk Wildlife Park and London Zoo.
Masai Mara. African Wildlife Stories
1 × 60’ HD
Our Big Wild Family
10 × 30’ HD
Shamwari Untamed
13 × 30’ HD
Inside the Zoo
18 × 60’ HD
Dog’s Best Friend
12 × 30’ HD
For Dog’s Sake
1 × 60’ HD
5 × 60’ HD
Curious Beasts
4 × 60’ HD
Dog Tales Rescue
18 × 30’ HD
Wildlife Rescue and Forensics
2 × 60’ HD
Carter’s W.A.R.
18 × 60’ HD
Animal Rescue Thailand
6 × 30’ HD
40 × 30’ HD
Animal Cops Phoenix
12 × 60’ HD
For the love of elephants
1 × 60’ HD
The Miracle Tiger
6 × 30’ HD
Parrot Confidential
1 × 60’ HD
Buffalo Warrior
1 × 60’ HD
Lion ranger
3 × 60’ HD
Trent’s Wildcat Adventures
10 х 30’
Zoo Tales
8 × 30’
Ol Pej Diaries
10 х 30’ HD
Tiger Island
14 х 30’
Shamwari - A Wild Life
13 х 30’ HD
Zoo Diaries
52 х 30’
Ocean ZOO
13 х 30’