Spring & Autumn at Jimmy’s Farm

  • Title: Spring & Autumn at Jimmy’s Farm
  • Duration: 8 × 60’ HD
  • Producer: UK
  • Year: 2020

With the changing seasons Jimmy and his team are flat out at the farm and wildlife park. They have to get ready for the arrival of 8000 turkeys and the births of two dozen rare breed piglets. It’s love-match time for the rams and over on the wildlife park there are suspicions that the tapir might be pregnant. Elsewhere, there are wallabies to round up and more animals due to arrive that could prove a handful. The woodland wildlife starts to harvest the summer’s bounty to get ready for winter.

Spring is bursting into life on Jimmy Doherty’s Suffolk farm. It isn’t just home to pigs, sheep and cattle — across nearly 200 acres there’s a woodland and a wildlife park full of exotic animals. With his dedicated team of keepers, Jimmy has 80 different species to look after. From the birth of new lambs and reindeer calves to the very particular needs of the capybara and tapir, the jobs and challenges pile up. Not least dealing with an escaping meerkat called Steve McQueen.
