Grandma’s Kitchen

  • Title: Grandma’s Kitchen
  • Duration: 13 × 30’ HD
  • Producer: USA
  • Year: 2023

Logline: After experiencing her Grandma’s recipes in a tiny village in France, Faten Gaffere goes on a journey to eight European countries to find undiscovered treasures like her “Mamie” and learn about their family recipes.

Setting: Each episode features a beautiful location with a tight-knit community unknown to many tourists and provides some insight about the people, history and culture. We meet charming ladies who in part invite us into their kitchen and cook a family recipe that was passed down through generations.

Synopsis: Faten Gaffere is a food enthusiast who’s particularly passionate about international cuisine. Whenever she needs to feel connected to her roots, she visits her grandmother in the small village of Buthiers, France. Her Mamie’s kitchen smells of butter and pastry and there is almost always a dusting of flour on her nose. Time with Mamie piqued her curiosity and propelled her on a journey to find more undiscovered treasures like her. Her travels have taken her to quaint seaside towns in Malta, Croatia, and Greece, mountain top villages in Switzerland and Slovenia, and hidden ham-lets in the hills of France and Italy. She has encountered women who possess secret recipes that have been passed down through generations. Recipes that convey the uniqueness of their homes, where people enjoy a simple life, and no one is a stranger, including her, to whom they have graciously opened up their kitchens. This is an invitation to join her as she explores these stunning places and learn from women who share their old world ways of preparing savory dishes that warm hearts and souls. Dishes that bring us home. This is Grandma’s Kitchen.
