Adventure Cities
Adventure Cities is a fun and fast paced adventure travel show hosted by award-winning travel journalist, Jonathan Thompson. The series follows Jonathan on his travels as he searches for adventure and reveals the wonderful cultures, allures and attractions of the world’s most fascinating urban centers. Its purpose is to subvert assumptions about a destination by highlighting outdoor adventures and quirky, lesser-known experiences at its heart — as well as elevating awareness of the main attractions, through a fresh, lively perspective.
Adventure Cities is premiering on Discovery Channel reaching 150MM+ US TV households nationwide.
Season 1 destinations
Zurich, Geneva, Ottawa, Quebec, Amman, St Pete’s Clearwater, Banff, Charleston, Poznan, Juneau.
Season 1 destinations
Zurich, Geneva, Ottawa, Quebec, Amman, St Pete’s Clearwater, Banff, Charleston, Poznan, Juneau.
Expédition Kayak
20 × 60’ HD
Weird Food Diaries
8 × 30’ HD
Nomads Seeking Adventure
28 × 30’ HD
Facing Waves
21 × 30’ HD
Epic Trails
37 × 30’ HD
Take Off Brazil
10 × 30’ HD
16 × 60’ HD
Trip Equador
12 × 30’ 4K/HD
Indomitable Culture
20 × 60’ HD
America Recommended
10 × 60’ HD
Buccaneers and Bones
15 × 30’ HD
10 × 60’ HD
Walking the Americas
4 × 60’ HD
Fishing Adventurer
38 × 60’ HD
The Worlds Greatest Balloon Adventures
5 х 60’ HD
Travel Guy
26 х 30’
An Amazing Day in The World
5 х 60’
World Around Us
59 х 60’
333 World City Expedition
26 × 60’
455 × 5’
Fantastic Festivals Of The World
29 × 60’ или 58 × 30’ SD
Quirky World
52 × 60’