Facing Waves
Facing Waves is an inspiring adventure travel TV series that follows world-renowned paddler and author, Ken Whiting, as he discovers the cultures, landscapes and paddling adventures that surround the world’s most amazing adventure travel destinations.
Ken Whiting is a world champion kayaker and author of 12 books and videos about rowing. Ken is one of the most experienced and respected rowing professionals in the world. Facing Waves is the only kayaking series in North America.
Expédition Kayak
20 × 60’ HD
Weird Food Diaries
8 × 30’ HD
Nomads Seeking Adventure
28 × 30’ HD
Adventure Cities
5 × 30’ HD
Epic Trails
37 × 30’ HD
Take Off Brazil
10 × 30’ HD
16 × 60’ HD
Trip Equador
12 × 30’ 4K/HD
Indomitable Culture
20 × 60’ HD
America Recommended
10 × 60’ HD
Buccaneers and Bones
15 × 30’ HD
10 × 60’ HD
Walking the Americas
4 × 60’ HD
Fishing Adventurer
38 × 60’ HD
The Worlds Greatest Balloon Adventures
5 х 60’ HD
Travel Guy
26 х 30’
An Amazing Day in The World
5 х 60’
World Around Us
59 х 60’
333 World City Expedition
26 × 60’
455 × 5’
Fantastic Festivals Of The World
29 × 60’ или 58 × 30’ SD
Quirky World
52 × 60’