Redesign my brain

  • Title: Redesign my brain
  • Duration: 6 × 60’ HD
  • Producer: Australia
  • Year: 2014–2018

The science of neuroplasticity has found that with specific training anyone can increase their memory capacity, become smarter, and reverse mental aging. “Redesign My Brain” puts the idea of brain plasticity to the test. Over the course of three months, TV celebrity Todd Sampson undertakes a scientifically endorsed training program to prove that modern science can turn any brain into a “super-brain”. He will be tested, provoked and pushed to the limits. And ultimately Todd will attempt an extreme challenge. But this journey is not just about him, we can all improve our brain. 

A fun, fast-paced, and fascinating journey into the workings of our very minds, “Redesign My Brain” is a makeover show like no other — one where the design experts makeover the human brain!
