African Wild

  • Title: African Wild
  • Duration: 8 × 60’ 3D/HD
  • Producer: USA
  • Year: 2011

Produced by 3net, the joint venture of Sony Corporation, Discovery Communications and IMAX Corporation

Take a journey into the secret world of Africa’s largest and most dangerous animals. Travel across wild grassy savannas to untouched beaches; soar through the skies and dive deep into the ocean — all to experience the daily lives of these animals in a way you never have before. Witness what it takes to survive the elements and to outwit natural enemies. Travel with a herd of elephants in search of water, and go on a guided “Big 5” Safari. Visit Africa’s largest aquarium to learn about sharks and camp out on a beach to investigate growing up in a seal colony.

The peculiarity of the programme is that the viewer literally integrates in this wild environment and see the world around through the eyes of an animal, soaring up with the birds and diving deep with the sharks.

Africa has no limits — even penguins live there. We will watch the penguin colony, how they find a mate, hatch the eggs, look for food and take care for the newborn babies. African penguins are similar to arctic ones in their behavior. They look very interesting and cute with that black horseshoe on their chest and many little spots. Every penguin has a unique set of spots like human palm lines. But the voice of African penguin is quite unpleasant and reminds one of a donkey.

This series is a result of collaboration between three well-known companies: Sony Corporation, Discovery Communications and IMAX Corporation. That means perfect shooting, best views and very rare scenes. Music selected matches so perfectly the action on the screen, whether it’s a leopard chasing a deer or the first steps of a new born elephant cub. This is life in “African Wild”.
