Ghostly Encounters
Ghostly Encounters is a half-hour documentary series that explores the paranormal through the eyes of the people who claim to have witnessed a supernatural event. Through a combination of interview and recreation, we examine the events that lead our subjects to accept or reject occurrences as supernatural, and how the experience helps or hinders them.
Paranormal experiences aren't just the domain of psychics and tarot card readers - in fact, many ordinary people believe they have had supernatural encounters. Ghostly Encounters looks into those incidents and the regular folks-next-door who had them, and takes the viewer on a chilling ride through a fascinating, highly personal ghost story. Using re-enactment, interviews, and archival photography, Ghostly Encounters combines the exhilarating drama of the encounter with a critical in-depth look at the questions behind it. Two incidents, linked by a recurring theme, are examined on each show. There is no question that many regular people believe they have experienced otherworldly incidents, so Ghostly Encounters approaches each event not asking IF it happened, but WHY it happened. We will walk the viewer through each emotional and fantastic paranormal story, be amazed together that it happened to somebody just like you, examine the possible reasons it happened, from scientific to paranormal to religious to psychological, and reflect on potential links between types of occurrences and groups or types of people.
The program uses a combination of interviews and dramatic recreations, examining the events that led its subjects to accept or reject occurrences as supernatural, and how the experience has helped or hindered them.
1. THE JOURNEY BACK FROM DEATH – Katherine Calleja and Don MacNair
Two people who have been to the other side tell of the supernatural experiences surrounding their own deaths.
2. MY DAD’S GHOST SAVED MY MOM’S LIFE – Barbara Allen and Elsie Bordynuik
Barbara and Elsie both get ghostly messages from their long-dead fathers, and those messages save their mothers’ lives.
3. REFUGE IN ROSARIES – Alex Roman and Susan Flores
Alex turns to Catholic icons for safety when he is faced with horrifying supernatural threats. Meanwhile, Susan goes to unusual lengths to keep her protective rosary close.
4. TIL DEATH DO US PART – OR NOT – Fred Ormston and Pansy Pollard
Their spouses died, but didn’t leave. Fred and Pansy continue to have a ghostly relationship with their dead wife and husband.
5. WATERY AWAKENINGS – Karyn Martin and Douglas Farmer
They both drowned as children and both were revived. And ever since, Karyn and Douglas have been able to see – and sometimes talk to – ghosts.
A young woman fights parallel battles with the demons that threaten to kill her – anorexia and the grisly apparition of an old hag that has plagued her nightly for six years, leaving her dangerously sleep deprived, and physically and emotionally scarred.
7. LIVING IN A HAUNTED HOUSE – The Farro Brothers and Michelle Curphey
Whether it’s a levitating little brother or a poltergeist hurling things at you, living in a haunted house can be a terrifying experience.
8. GHOSTS OF THE MURDERED – Heather Veit and Anthony Ennis
The macabre ghosts of murder victims are particularly disturbing, and those shocking visions deeply affect both Anthony and Heather, who is even frightened away from her dream job because of one.
9. PHANTOMS OF THE PHILLIPINES - Mary Duran and Roby Tiongson
A woman’s son is carried off by a ghost in the Phillipines, while a continent away, a Filipino immigrant is shocked when he’s visited by a phantom from home.
10. GRAVES UNDUG AND GRAVES DISTURBED – Sandra Ganesh and Julia Gourlie & Marc Pearce
A new neighborhood is plagued by poltergeists after an Indian burial ground is disturbed. But it’s not just the spirits that are restless, as Marc has a gruesome ghostly discovery of his own in an episode about living beside the unburied dead.
11. GHOSTS IN THE WORKPLACE – Rose Bryan and Barbara Dye
Rose goes to work and finds herself in a disturbing environment, straight out of a gothic romance, while Barbara, as a young burlesque dancer, discovers the supernatural secrets of an old theatre.
12. A MOTHER’S UNDYING LOVE – Ron Meadus and Pam Baker
Ron’s dead mother comes back from the grave to take up her place in his home, while the ghost of Pam’s mom surprises her grieving daughter, in an episode about just how deep a mother’s love goes.
13. THE GHOSTS OF TRAUMA – Dawn Franklin and Leonard Tarnowoski
Dawn brings home a lump of coal taken from the Titanic, and opens the door to a ghost from one of the world’s most famous disasters. Leonard is deeply affected when faced with the spirits of innocent children who died in traumatic circumstances.
The Tuckers moved into their house a happy family and came out broken, after enduring a year of terror in which their son was possessed by a violent entity, and a spine-chilling presence cast a pall of fear on their family.
15. THE PRICE OF DISBELIEF - Kendra Lee Fenton and Aaron Schrader
As children, Kendra Lee and Aaron both had terrifying supernatural experiences. But nobody believed them, and the price of that disbelief has haunted them their entire lives.
16. WHEN FOLK TALES COME TRUE - Georgia Triantifillou and Ravi Ladwa
As a young girl in Greece, Georgia saw a horrifying spectre straight out of Greek folk tradition. Ravi’s ghostly encounters were also related to the folk tales of his South Asian culture.
17. DANGER DETECTORS FROM THE GREAT BEYOND - Tasheen Moses and Christine Robb
When the spirits of a much-loved mom and an unknown man warn Tasheen and Christine of imminent danger, one takes heed, while the other suffers the horrific consequences of not acting.
18. THE HOUSE THAT TWEEDIE BUILT AND NEVER LEFT - Betty and Norm Daigneault & Christian Barcik
A hundred years ago, Tweedie built a farmhouse and raised a family in it. Today, she still walks its halls, and the home’s new residents, Norm and Betty, see her watching over the house she loved and all the children in it.
19. PARANORMAL PATHWAYS - Barneita Runnings and George Campbell
Ghostly goings-on occur when the living venture onto pathways frequented by the deceased, from Jamaica to an old native trail in Toronto.
20. GHOSTS THAT SAVE LIVES - Honey Sherman and Robert Algeo
Honey’s son’s life is saved by a ghost, while Robert walks away from a deadly industrial accident when a ghost takes the hit for him.
21. SCARED TO GO HOME - Alix Morreale and Kim Favot
When toys take on a life of their own, it’s too much for Alix, and he wants nothing more to do with his haunted apartment. Kim is so afraid of the ghosts in her house that she refuses to go home alone.
22. TOMBS AND TEMPLES OF THE DEAD - Lana Lelchuk and Veonica HardingHardingHarding
Lana encounters a murderous spectre when she rents a cabin near a Thai temple of the dead, while Veronica witnesses some ghostly action at a graveyard, in the broad light of day.
23. THE CONDEMNED JUDGE - Monique Perrault and Rob Timoshenko
In life he was convinced he was bound for Hell, and in death his intimidating presence stalked the corridors of his old home. Rob and Monique speculate about the ghost of the black-robed judge that haunted their first house.
24. GHOSTS THAT BANISH NIGHTMARES - Merle Harris and Carolyn Mangaroo
Carolyn suffered nightmares of rape and abduction. Merle’s nightmare of violence was more literal, but both saw their lives turn around when ghosts promised them the horror would end.
A hooded, noose-carrying wraith threatens the lives of Sherri and her sisters, both as young girls, and years later, when they revisit their childhood home.
26. GENERATIONAL SPIRITS - The Besenyei Family and Darlene Romain
The ghosts of parents, grandparents and other ancestors frighten or comfort, depending on your point of view.
1. THE JOURNEY BACK FROM DEATH – Katherine Calleja and Don MacNair
Two people who have been to the other side tell of the supernatural experiences surrounding their own deaths.
2. MY DAD’S GHOST SAVED MY MOM’S LIFE – Barbara Allen and Elsie Bordynuik
Barbara and Elsie both get ghostly messages from their long-dead fathers, and those messages save their mothers’ lives.
3. REFUGE IN ROSARIES – Alex Roman and Susan Flores
Alex turns to Catholic icons for safety when he is faced with horrifying supernatural threats. Meanwhile, Susan goes to unusual lengths to keep her protective rosary close.
4. TIL DEATH DO US PART – OR NOT – Fred Ormston and Pansy Pollard
Their spouses died, but didn’t leave. Fred and Pansy continue to have a ghostly relationship with their dead wife and husband.
5. WATERY AWAKENINGS – Karyn Martin and Douglas Farmer
They both drowned as children and both were revived. And ever since, Karyn and Douglas have been able to see – and sometimes talk to – ghosts.
A young woman fights parallel battles with the demons that threaten to kill her – anorexia and the grisly apparition of an old hag that has plagued her nightly for six years, leaving her dangerously sleep deprived, and physically and emotionally scarred.
7. LIVING IN A HAUNTED HOUSE – The Farro Brothers and Michelle Curphey
Whether it’s a levitating little brother or a poltergeist hurling things at you, living in a haunted house can be a terrifying experience.
8. GHOSTS OF THE MURDERED – Heather Veit and Anthony Ennis
The macabre ghosts of murder victims are particularly disturbing, and those shocking visions deeply affect both Anthony and Heather, who is even frightened away from her dream job because of one.
9. PHANTOMS OF THE PHILLIPINES - Mary Duran and Roby Tiongson
A woman’s son is carried off by a ghost in the Phillipines, while a continent away, a Filipino immigrant is shocked when he’s visited by a phantom from home.
10. GRAVES UNDUG AND GRAVES DISTURBED – Sandra Ganesh and Julia Gourlie & Marc Pearce
A new neighborhood is plagued by poltergeists after an Indian burial ground is disturbed. But it’s not just the spirits that are restless, as Marc has a gruesome ghostly discovery of his own in an episode about living beside the unburied dead.
11. GHOSTS IN THE WORKPLACE – Rose Bryan and Barbara Dye
Rose goes to work and finds herself in a disturbing environment, straight out of a gothic romance, while Barbara, as a young burlesque dancer, discovers the supernatural secrets of an old theatre.
12. A MOTHER’S UNDYING LOVE – Ron Meadus and Pam Baker
Ron’s dead mother comes back from the grave to take up her place in his home, while the ghost of Pam’s mom surprises her grieving daughter, in an episode about just how deep a mother’s love goes.
13. THE GHOSTS OF TRAUMA – Dawn Franklin and Leonard Tarnowoski
Dawn brings home a lump of coal taken from the Titanic, and opens the door to a ghost from one of the world’s most famous disasters. Leonard is deeply affected when faced with the spirits of innocent children who died in traumatic circumstances.
The Tuckers moved into their house a happy family and came out broken, after enduring a year of terror in which their son was possessed by a violent entity, and a spine-chilling presence cast a pall of fear on their family.
15. THE PRICE OF DISBELIEF - Kendra Lee Fenton and Aaron Schrader
As children, Kendra Lee and Aaron both had terrifying supernatural experiences. But nobody believed them, and the price of that disbelief has haunted them their entire lives.
16. WHEN FOLK TALES COME TRUE - Georgia Triantifillou and Ravi Ladwa
As a young girl in Greece, Georgia saw a horrifying spectre straight out of Greek folk tradition. Ravi’s ghostly encounters were also related to the folk tales of his South Asian culture.
17. DANGER DETECTORS FROM THE GREAT BEYOND - Tasheen Moses and Christine Robb
When the spirits of a much-loved mom and an unknown man warn Tasheen and Christine of imminent danger, one takes heed, while the other suffers the horrific consequences of not acting.
18. THE HOUSE THAT TWEEDIE BUILT AND NEVER LEFT - Betty and Norm Daigneault & Christian Barcik
A hundred years ago, Tweedie built a farmhouse and raised a family in it. Today, she still walks its halls, and the home’s new residents, Norm and Betty, see her watching over the house she loved and all the children in it.
19. PARANORMAL PATHWAYS - Barneita Runnings and George Campbell
Ghostly goings-on occur when the living venture onto pathways frequented by the deceased, from Jamaica to an old native trail in Toronto.
20. GHOSTS THAT SAVE LIVES - Honey Sherman and Robert Algeo
Honey’s son’s life is saved by a ghost, while Robert walks away from a deadly industrial accident when a ghost takes the hit for him.
21. SCARED TO GO HOME - Alix Morreale and Kim Favot
When toys take on a life of their own, it’s too much for Alix, and he wants nothing more to do with his haunted apartment. Kim is so afraid of the ghosts in her house that she refuses to go home alone.
22. TOMBS AND TEMPLES OF THE DEAD - Lana Lelchuk and Veonica HardingHardingHarding
Lana encounters a murderous spectre when she rents a cabin near a Thai temple of the dead, while Veronica witnesses some ghostly action at a graveyard, in the broad light of day.
23. THE CONDEMNED JUDGE - Monique Perrault and Rob Timoshenko
In life he was convinced he was bound for Hell, and in death his intimidating presence stalked the corridors of his old home. Rob and Monique speculate about the ghost of the black-robed judge that haunted their first house.
24. GHOSTS THAT BANISH NIGHTMARES - Merle Harris and Carolyn Mangaroo
Carolyn suffered nightmares of rape and abduction. Merle’s nightmare of violence was more literal, but both saw their lives turn around when ghosts promised them the horror would end.
A hooded, noose-carrying wraith threatens the lives of Sherri and her sisters, both as young girls, and years later, when they revisit their childhood home.
26. GENERATIONAL SPIRITS - The Besenyei Family and Darlene Romain
The ghosts of parents, grandparents and other ancestors frighten or comfort, depending on your point of view.