Steam Away

  • Title: Steam Away
  • Duration: 13 х 30’ HD
  • Producer: Holland
  • Year: 2008

The most authentic form of train travels around the world will be explored in this wonderful new series. It shows every aspect of today’s very best global steam expeditions. Not only its present, but also the past and future will be explored. “Steam Away” presents the best of steam locomotives railroad adventures, stirring the imagination and connecting people to many divers places.

The 13 journeys stir the imagination, sample many different cultures, nations and landscapes and intrigue people all over the world. “Steam Away” also offers a pleasant balance between technical and general travel information. It especially highlights the travel experience and wanderlust and captures the excitement and history of railroading.

Countries: Austria, England, South Africa, Scotland, China, Portugal, Germany, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Poland
