Led by former Arnold Schwarzenegger stunt double Peter Kent, Stuntdawgs takes you on an adrenaline-loving trip through the world of movie stunt-making. Each episode, a team of veteran stunt performers, technicians and riggers (known as "the dawgs"), puts a rookie through an impossible stunt. From falls off skyscrapers to full body burns to crash-em-up car rolls, the dawgs reveal what it takes to concoct some of the movies’ most spectacular stunts.
In a spooky old hospital, the dawgs set up a young stunt puppy on a ratchet, which sends him flying through furniture, crashing through a window and plummeting four storeys. Peter tries to re-do his famous motorcycle jump from Terminator 2, only this time higher and longer. But the best laid schemes quickly go awry. After a bruising close call on a motorcycle, the dawgs find that things go really wrong as they try to set up a stunt in which a car is supposed to plummet down a cliff and explode. A stunt rigger sets up two stunt performers to make impossible leaps high among the beams of an old warehouse. The team takes over a junkyard full of cars specially rigged to explode as a stuntman runs over them, while being hunted down by a machine gun toting maniac on a pick-up truck.
In the last episode Peter Kent reviews the highlights from the past season of Stuntdawgs, while sharing a few insights about the stunt world, his own career as stunt double to Arnold Schwarzenegger and anecdotes from the show.