Dogs From A To Z

  • Title: Dogs From A To Z
  • Duration: 72 × 30’
  • Producer: Italy
  • Year:

Do you know your dog? Do you really know how to handle it and understand what smart and consistent training is? Perhaps, after watching a couple of episodes of this unique Italian series, viewers will doubt the completeness of their knowledge and learn a lot of really new and useful things from the Dogs from A to Z series. After all, caring for a dog with a short coat is not the same as caring for a shorn dog, and a dog with a curly coat requires a completely different approach than a dog with a naturally long coat. Training a dog to develop general obedience skills is fundamentally different from training for protection. In fact, what is taught in this scrupulous encyclopedia of four-legged animals is better called training a dog. And, in parallel, the education of tolerance among their owners. Dogs deserve attention and respect. There are no incapable dogs, there are not too skillful, but too irritable owners.
