Nature’s Greatest Moments
- Title: Nature’s Greatest Moments
- Duration: 132 × 5’
- Producer: USA, Holland, Great Britain
- Year: 2003–2006
These are truly unique shots. Animals, unlike people, are not able to play doubles. Almost every one of the five-minute episodes of this series is made as a kind of action novel, which has an opening, a climax and a denouement. Often these are variations of the same story, because the basis of life in the wild is based on eating or being eaten. And the absolute authenticity of the filming only adds to the dramatic tension. The heroes of “Nature’s Greatest Moments” were not only mammals, but also amphibians, reptiles, insects and inhabitants of the water depths. In the short space of the episode, a lion attack on a giraffe, a rattlesnake hunts for a lizard, a conflict between elephants and rhinoceroses, everyday life of a leopard family, a dangerous journey of a newborn turtle from its nest to the sea, a great white shark hunt, the story of the inhabitants of sunken ships and sea caves is unfolding in front of us.