Future Chefs

  • Title: Future Chefs
  • Duration: 10 × 30’ HD
  • Producer: Canada
  • Year: 2023

Sweat beads on Alessandra’s forehead as she assembles a plate using a thin pair of tongs for customers of the great restaurant of the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ). This is one of the most intense moments of the training of these young people who dream of one day opening their own restaurant. They must ensure the preparation of food and the preparation of all plates that will be served in the evening. Wearing the hat, the coveted hat, Chef Gueriec travels the various stations, encouraging young cooks while calling them on the slightest overcooked carrot or broth lacking aromatics.

Here, it’s the CLASSE DE CHEFS of tomorrow. The hours are long, the tasks arduous, the teachers picky, sometimes rigid. Nevertheless, the passion is there. Everywhere.

This 10-episode observational documentary series enters the ITHQ at the beginning of the school year and accompanies students from three cohorts during their journey in the Cuisine et gastronomie program. Come and meet Chad, Mat, Mylène, Mathieu and the others. Welcome to CLASSE DE CHEFS!
