A Cat and Mouse Game

  • Title: A Cat and Mouse Game
  • Duration: 1 × 60’ HD
  • Producer: France
  • Year: 2018

To eat or be eaten? Such is the dangerous relationship between a predator and his prey that governs the animal kingdom and decides the fate of each and every one.

In the countryside, a family home is the theatre of a veritable hunting scene between the residents’ cat and the previous occupants’ mouse. But the game is far from over, and where the predator uses a wide variety of schemes to reach his target, his prey becomes even more resourceful in his bid to escape being caught.

As we get in as close as possible to Marcel and Canaille’s adventure, this documentary gives us the opportunity to rediscover one of the animal kingdom’s most famous celebrity duels in a fun and light-hearted fashion. On their path, these two animals will cross other prey and other predators: all join in the game of cat and mouse.
