Mummies Alive

  • Title: Mummies Alive
  • Duration: 6 × 60’ HD
  • Producer: Canada, EONE
  • Year: 2015

History Channel, SBS, ZDF

A silent body eerily preserved, lashes still visible on closed eyes, creases in the clothes and a last expression etched on their face. This is Mummies Alive, a groundbreaking documentary that brings the best-preserved mummies back to life with incredible animation.

Ranging in age from 3,600 to 150 years old, every mummy serves as our guide to the past, with ancient texts, artwork, archaeological finds and evidence from their bodies providing remarkable insight into the minute details of their lives.

From wounds depicting hard-fought battles and dramatic deaths to soft hands, jewellery and artefacts affirming their social status and religions, this engaging series transports viewers through time and reveals the extraordinary people and events that shaped global civilisations.

The creators of the documentary not only talk about the past of the mummy, but also in detail recreate the person it was using animation graphics. This allows the viewer to learn more about the fate of the mummy: how it looked, who it was, where it lived and under what circumstances it was overtaken by death.
