Into the wild

  • Title: Into the wild
  • Duration: 40 х 60’
  • Producer: USA
  • Year:

From the frozen ice plains of the Arctic to the mysterious beauty of Asia's tropical rain forests, Into the Wild brings you up close and personal with the most exciting, fascinating, and dangerous creatures on the planet.

This series offers a unique glimpse into the lives and habits of animals in every environment around the world. Many of the most endangered species are captured on film, letting them tell their own story through their compelling behavior. These astounding animals can at times be playful and endearing, and sometimes terrifying and savage, but at all times they are simply captivating just by their nature.

Into the Wild travels to all six continents in search of the most exciting wildlife footage ever seen. From polar bears to platypuses, kangaroos to Komodo dragons, or hornbills to hippos, each episode highlights the diversity of the animal kingdom and focuses on a specific animal or environment, exploring each one with dazzling photography and expert commentary. We see how animals survive in harsh conditions, and adapt to meet the challenge of simply staying alive. Watch as they interact with each other and their environment; how they eat, find mates, and care for their young. Every aspect of their lives are revealed in this stunning, provocative, and endlessly engrossing program.

Providing viewers with an unsparing portrait of the planet's diverse species, Into the Wild sets a new standard for wildlife programming.
