Travel Guy

  • Title: Travel Guy
  • Duration: 26 х 30’
  • Producer: Canada
  • Year: 2010–2011

Frank Greco is the Travel Guy. Frank loves to explore and experience as much of this world as humanly possible, which means continually traveling to various and diverse global destinations. Frank has been in the air, water, rails and roads for many years. He’s not one to just lounge-out, he likes to explore the beauty and culture of each location he visits.

The Travel Guy is a new brand of travel show that provides unscripted highlights, information and tips to help you plan your own travels. The show for people who want to remain active when they travel and takeaway an experience like none-other from each place they visit. The world is truly a small place. One should get out and try new things, things that you may have not thought they could do or enjoy wherever they travel. But know before you go!

Travel to unique destinations; explore amazing attractions, participate in activities that range from Shark and Crocodile feedings to discovering ancient ruins, snowmobile on glaciers that have been thousands of years in the making, zip-line high in the air through a lush rainforest, step into haunted places, create local gastronomic treats and look at the world as your playground with The Travel Guy.

Don’t worry, if The Travel Guy can do it… so can you!
