In Pursuit Of Precious Stones

  • Title: In Pursuit Of Precious Stones
  • Duration: 14 х 60’
  • Producer: France
  • Year: 2004

Gems and precious stones have always attacted people’s attention. Their secret origine gives rise to many legends as if they weren’t naturally created but are the products of magic forces. Precious stones have been accompanying us since the ancient times. They symbolise power, strength, confidence and wellbeing; provide ones with fame and fortune, the others – with misery and disappointment. So what is the true power and magic of gems, their real worth and value? What kind of magic powers they are possessed of?

The creators of the series will try to answer on these all questions. The host - a well-known french gemmologist Patrick Voillot - will lead you through the different countries in search for the most astonishing precious stones. With the help of Patrick you will plunge into the exciting but hidden world of international gem trade. In one word, you will watch the whole life cycle of precious stones – from the formation in the bowels of the earth to the splendid shining in the most luxurious jewellery.
