Green Wheels

  • Title: Green Wheels
  • Duration: 12 × 30’
  • Producer: USA
  • Year: 2007

Hydrogen, solar energy, electricity, and even vegetable oil — all this are the basis of harmless movement. Together with the creators of the series the viewer will go in search of the latest scientific and technological discoveries in the field of alternative automotive engineering. And see how impressive the success of this industry. Just one student team of inventors from Ohio broke the world speed record on an electric car, which accelerated to 507 km / h. And their next project is a car with a hydrogen engine promises to accelerate to 563 km / h. We will witness the first tests and learn the basics of the technology of this car. Bold-minded mechanics like Brian Friedman, whose company works round the clock to convert engines from gasoline to vegetable oil, are also contributing to the harmless movement. Before our eyes, a twenty-five-year-old Mercedes will turn from a greedy gas guzzler into an impeccable vegetarian.
