Young And Wild

  • Title: Young And Wild
  • Duration: 26 × 30’
  • Producer: USA, Holland, Great Britain
  • Year:

The whole animal world of Africa, and not only this continent, is presented in the series produced by Discovery. But this is not just another survey series about the wildlife of an exotic continent. This is a kind of conceptual design. The heroes of the Young and Wild series are baby animals. They are born in the shroud, in the rainforest, in the desert, in the ocean. They don’t look alike at all: those little lions, rhinos, moles, termites, spiders, beetles, mongooses, eagles, pythons, turtles, frogs, crocodiles, seahorses, hyenas, ostriches, chimpanzees and orangutans. But they have one thing in common: wherever they are born, their living conditions are extreme. Danger awaits them from the first steps to the last breath. Their job is to learn how to survive. Or become the prey of those who have learned to survive better...
